Tuesday 26 February 2013

MD - What Richard Did

A little brainworm of a movie, this left an impact that far outlived its running time. The protagonist, with us in every scene and superbly played by Jack Reynor (he’s going to be the new Shia LaBeouf in Transformers 4!) ‘does’ something that has seismic impact and has to come to terms with what it means to him, his family and others he cares about.

The movie takes us an age to get into the ‘doing’ – Janet Leigh hit the shower floor quicker – but this is all the better because it invests the viewer with both an interest in the characters and motivations of the ensemble on screen and a genuine shock at the act.

And it was wonderfully played all round with believable young people speaking and making ill-advised decisions how they in all probability would confronted by the circumstances; and one of the scenes of the year – an extraordinarily powerful father/son confession.

A lingering experience


1 comment:

  1. Fully in agreement Markie, and based on an incident outside a nightclub in Dublin, rather than give spoilers I'll discuss in person. All round performances were excellent, and nice to see Mads' brother in something other than Danish TV drama.
