Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Artist - GM Review

For me a real lost opportunity, am pleased that someone came up with the idea but displeased that the director of the appalling OSS movies got to the helm.

Bland, conventional, lacking in originality, little use of in-jokes given the opportunities available, hackneyed screenplay and gutter poor humour. It didn't have to be this way. Uggie the dog is Eddie from Frasier, the plot is A Star is Born but give me James Mason and Judy Garland any day and nothing of originality arises from the mire - you can pay homage and be clever.

Have a look at L'Atalante re-released this week, City Lights, The Gold Rush and especially Sunrise, romantic witty movies made ninety years ago that have more thought, humour, charm and art in any one scene than in the entire ninety minutes of this fraud.

Silence needn't signify staleness.


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