really is a terribly misjudged attempt at trying to invent a cult movie. It has
all the tick-boxes but none of the wit, intelligence or interest to register an
even partial hit.
lose any empathy with the four protagonists desire to see and experience the
world outside of their own smalltown by the ridiculous notion that the way to
raise money for their trip is to take on an additional job each and borrow some
money from their evidently middle-class parents…Sorry make that buy some
balaclavas, pull off an armed robbery and burn-out one their teacher’s truck.
one dissenting voice – the Christian – soon recants and we are on our way to Spring
Break which appears to be carnage at a resort full of white, wholesome, slim
American college teens – no doubt the next generation of US leaders – drinking
so much their clothes fall off. Then there’s a police raid and James Franco’s
fearfully dentured rasta-twat, whose large gun collection is obviously a
substitute for lack of fire power elsewhere, turns up and bails the girls out
and then…..oh this is just too boring to re-live.
Breakers is a crass, manipulative bit of 40-year-old wish fulfillment that
deserves nothing but contempt. Avoid like…well like a Spring Break.
(for only being 89 minutes long)