Friday 10 February 2012

Carnage - DM Review

Oh dear...oh dear. Where to begin? Firstly with my own admissions. I have not seen the play nor knew anything of the plot before having seen the film I don't want to either. I'm sure on stage, this is a great and uncomfortable watch but on the screen it lacked excitement and entertainment. Neither funny nor dramatic, this was a damp squib of a film.
What on paper should be a stonking cast truly disappointed me and I left underwhelmed. Proof that you can put as many Oscar winning actors as you like into a room, mix well and yet have no chemistry. They also prove that it is incredibly difficult to act convincingly drunk. I didn't believe any of them in their role or as couples and I felt removed from the film (as far as Polanski is from NYC).

If I want to watch an film adaptation of a play where people get drunk I would much rather watch the infinitely better "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

Score: 3/10

PS - I didn't see Jodie Foster's "Beaver" (snigger) last year but heard it was not good. Controversial point...but has she been truly good in anything? I can only think of Silence of the Lambs.


  1. Sommersby - How do you know? I know because (sniff sniff)... How do you know? I know because (boo hoo). HOW DO YOU KNOW? I know because I never loved him the way I love you...

  2. Taxi Driver and Bugsy Malone. She made the mistake of puberty.
    As for 'Carnage' - well some movie titles write their own reviews. Working with the wooden and unimaginative direction of a stilted, illogical script the wobbly accents and wobblier chins of this supposedly talented quartet failed to inject any life or likeability into these thoroughly objectionable characters. The dullest and most rigid foursome since Westlife. Avoid. Score 2/10
